Exercising tasks

Figure 31: Smiley face
Figure 31: Smiley face
Figure 32: Centred circles
Figure 32: Centred circles
  1. Create a new project. Insert a button into the Form to print a text "Hello. Welcome!" into graphic area. Rename this button to "Greeting".
  2. Insert a second button to delete the graphic area with white colour and name this button "Delete".
  3. Used the Label component to paste into the Form a question "How are you?" and create it appropriately responses that are displayed using the buttons (e. g. Fine, Not good, etc.). In the Button1.Click procedure (let´s suppose it is a positive answer) insert also commands to display a smiley face (Figure 31) after pressing the button using graphical commands you have learned so far.
  4. Use the Ellipse command to draw five centred circles (Figure 32).
  5. Use the MoveTo and LineTo commands to draw three triangles. Each of them will be different colour and will have a different line style.
  6. Insert a button in the Form to close the running program. Name it "Quit".
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