
Programming environment Lazarus was created in February 1999 and his main founders were Cliff Baeseman, Shane Miller, and Michael A. Hess. Lazarus is the name of programming environment in which it is possible to program in a Free Pascal language. It is a multiplatform (i. e. there are various versions for various operating systems as for example Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and others) compilator with rather simple command, number of units, it is easy to expand and offers visual programming. IDE (integrated development environment) Lazarus is stable and visually rich programming environment for creating autonomously running (.exe) graphic and console applications. In one package it is possible to design, write, edit, generate, compile, test, and tune programs.

Free Pascal (or Pascal) is imperative and procedural programming language which first version was published in 1971. The language was designed by Niklaus Wirth whereas his goal was to create a programming language appropriate for programming tutorials with the help of a small amount of basic date structures. Pascal was named after a French mathematician Blaise Pascal.

This electronic educational material is the introduction to the Object Pascal, more specifically the Lazarus environment, and it is focused on tuition selected basic programming terms, simple creation of algorithms, and the methods of tuning programs. 

The Slovak educational material is available at 

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